Sponsoring Pushpa Archana to Devi Lakshmi with 108 gold flowers bestows an unparalleled shower of divine blessings and immense prosperity upon the devotee.
Each golden blossom offered in devotion symbolizes the purity of heart and the earnest desire for spiritual upliftment and material abundance. The act of offering these radiant flowers to the Goddess invokes her benevolence and grace, attracting immense wealth, success, and well-being.
This sacred offering strengthens the bond between the devotee and Devi Lakshmi, fostering a deep sense of inner peace, contentment, and harmony in every aspect of life. Through this auspicious act of devotion, the devotee becomes a recipient of divine blessings, prosperity, and peace.
Timing: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Donation: Rs.2000/- (one person). Additional Rs.1000/- (per person)
If we surrender then we are always at peace, and whether we get what we want or not, (or even whether we are happy or not) doesn't matter. This is becausewe accept everything that occurs happens for the best.
- Sri Sakthi Amma
It is considered very auspicious to witness the poojas for the vigraham (idol) of Mangala Narayani.