Sripuram Sri lakshmi Narayani Golden Temple
Ammas Mission

Amma's Mission


It is Sri Sakthi Amma’s purpose to bring happiness and prosperity on Earth. Amma’s mission is to bring back righteousness and truthfulness in humankind.


This will ensure that humans become more loving and tolerant towards their environment and other people.


Amma once said - “Whenever Dharma declines and Adharma rises, I take birth in the world. Now I am born here as Narayani. My Name is Sakthi Amma." This summarizes the essence of Amma’s incarnation.


Amma’s mission lies in promoting Satyam (Truth) and Dharmam (Righteousness) by instructing devotees on the importance of leading a spiritual life. Amma is of the view that we can secure lasting peace in our lives through sustained worship and prayer. As Amma says: “The only true treasure in this life is the Divine. Place your heart and trust in this treasure.”

Pathway of Light

Quote If we surrender then we are always at peace, and whether we get what we want or not, (or even whether we are happy or not) doesn't matter. This is becausewe accept everything that occurs happens for the best.    Quote

- Sri Sakthi Amma