Offering Gho Puja, the worship of cows, bestows divine blessings, spiritual merits, and abundance upon devotees. Revering cows fosters compassion and inner purity, attracting prosperity, removing obstacles, and promoting healing. Gho Puja generates positive energy, balances karma, and symbolizes the interconnectedness of humans, nature, and divinity, bringing divine grace and well-being to the worshiper's life.
Timing: Evening 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm.
Donation: Rs. 300/- per person
If we surrender then we are always at peace, and whether we get what we want or not, (or even whether we are happy or not) doesn't matter. This is becausewe accept everything that occurs happens for the best.
- Sri Sakthi Amma
It is considered very auspicious to witness the poojas for the vigraham (idol) of Mangala Narayani.